Thursday 27 June 2024

Dark Elf Executioners and a Chaos Familiar

Hey folks!

Long time no blog, so I figured I'd just update this now with what I've painted over the past year or so (to completion!) along with some paint recipes and a list of some work-in-progress models which is actually quite big

First up, l fnally panted my six Dark Elf Executioners from when I was a mere teenager starting out in my Warhammer career!

The technoque is fairly simple, everything is basecoated, highlighted, shaded, then parts of the shaded model are rehighlighted with the base paint again. These are the paints I used (they're moreso for me remember what painted I originally use than anything else, which is why the list might be phrased oddly in places):

Old Gold

Natural Steel

Regular purple with magenta highlights overbrushed

Light Flesh with Agrax Earthshade for skin.

Black trim with dark seagreen (grey) trim around cuffs and skirting edges as well as the straps on the side leg plates

Hair is black with basalt grey from the one used on trim. Tried skygrey in places too and it worked okay-ish. Didn't use skygrey on second model

Base Goblin green, dark grey/black highlighted with regular grey then a really bright one (Basalt grey and US Bluegrey?)

Regular gold and silver go over the gold and Draich after each are washed with Agrax. Steel coloured parts get another natural steel brush over after the wash too.

Next up is a familiar guy who took a meer less-than-an-hour-maybe?

And lastly for completed models, a Mantic dragon/Wyvern that I painted and converted for a friend as a Christmas gift. The eyes were hollow and it bothered the crap out of me so I  sculpted eyes and eyelids for it. Unfortunately I neglected to take a picture of the finished product (it's actually shaded!), but I did manage to get a picture of it wearng it's hat at least:

Lastly I should mention a few reasons for the big gap between this post and the last one. Executioners are a bit of a drag to paint but I kept torturing myself over painting them. I think I had model-painters block and really wanted them finished but didn't enjoy the process of painting them or how long it was taking to finish them. I kinda solved it by just half-painting a bunch of random stuff that's now strewn about my desk but this has caused a second issue, that being that I haven't finished a model fully in a long time. I enjoy it more, but I now have a Black Dragon, Manticore, Reaper Bolt Thrower + Crew, three Witch Elves, five mostly done Dark Riders, five more Dark Riders that are barely started, a Hydra, five Cold One Knights and a Sorceress on a Cold One. This probably doesn't sound like a big issue, but they're aaaaaall sixth edition models, meaning a lot of metal, which means a lot of mold line removal and pinning before I can even prime the model. This on top of my NEED to add/convert older models to make them make "sense" has translated into a very slow production line of model painting. For example, my Cold One riders all have chain reins and what I think is called a "snaffle, my Reaper has a couple of massive bowstrings, my Hydra was converted to be standing on a big converted rock/cliff thing (complete with skeleton bones all over the place) and the sorceress is another one of my teenage me's models so I wanted to convert her up a good bit, so overall this takes a huge amount of time unfortunately! There were a few other things like my old house in Clonard not being a great place to paint for ages and moving everything in and back out taking forever, but what this all added up to a lack of overall progress on my part sadly. The good news is that I now have a bunch of older models that I could go nuts painting some weekend this year and suddenly have a big dragon, unit of cavalry, etc, finished for the Old World, so I'm looking forward to that! I've also joined a local Old World podcast and played I think 12 games of it now.

I have a few more paint recipes saved via images on my phone, which I'll add to this post as I find them again too:

Dark Riders boot straps - cork brown

Leather boots/gloves/saddle German Campbell Medium Brown drybrush with tan earth 

Hooves - Ivory

Yellow Ochre wood on crossbows/spear

Horse black undercoat and basalt grey drybrush

Light Flesh

Horse mane Dark Bluegrey overbrush then Us bluegrey pale light drybrush

Natural steel

Old gold


Ivory for scales, London grey and basalt grey (can't remember what was used for base and what was used for Hydra hide) 


Brown sand and flat brown 50:50 mix for wings. Brown sand for skin/wing membrane, flat brown for fur then the 50:50 mix again for the mane

Thats pretty much it for now, until next time!

Thanks for reading,


Sunday 5 March 2023

Resident Evil 2 Mr. X and zombies dogs

Hey Folks!

I painted this Mr. X ages ago, but the four zombie dogs I just finished last night. The dogs were surprisingly fun and easy to paint, so as I started with the first one, the remaining ones caught my eye too and I ended up starting and finishing the lot in one night.

I've already started working on my Dark Elf Bloodbowl team too, seems like finishing my DnD party was all I needed to go on a painting conquest!

Also for the sake of future-Marc's sanity when I try to remember what paints I used, I'll mention that the important colours used above were dark seagreen for the dogs base, vermillion for the exposed flesh and either brown or light brown with black for the dogs fur.

Cheers, Marc

Friday 3 March 2023

My Dungeons And Dragons Party

Hi folks!
My DnD party has been sitting on my table for quite a while now and veeeery slowly was converted and completed over the course of a bit less than six months or so.
From left to right we have:
- Rourke the Goliath Barbarian
- Kelvie the Halfling Ranger
- Mistwind the Tiefling Bard
- Ewyn Prydert the Human Paladin (My guy)
- Bimp the ambiguous engima Rogue
- Rork the Half-Orc Fighter
- Dex the Dragonborn Fighter

Rourke and Kelvie were the final two finished yesterday, and I added a sweet tribal tattoo on his back:



Monday 9 January 2023

Dark Elf Warriors

Hello folks!

I finally, after I'm not sure how long, managed to finish ten classic Dark Elf spearmen!


The recipe (Moreso for me in the future, since I can't imagine many other people want to collect these models):

-Vallejo purple with a drybrush/highlight of magenta for all cloth

-Black undercoat and natural steel based on all metal parts

-Yellow ocre for the wooden part of the spear and orange brown for the leather around it. Vaellejo tan earth to highlight the orange brown straps.

-Flat brown/light flesh, agrax earthquake wash then highlighted with light flesh again

-Base texture is sand primed with brush on primer/army painter black, dry rushed with vallejo us bluegrey pale (905). Army painter goblin green for the sides of the base

-Chainmail skirt straps are painted black, highlighted with basalt grey

-Ivory knife handles were either buff or silvergrey, both vallejo

Shield: icon based flat brown, then based again with flat red and all raised areas were highlighted with vermillion. Black shield part highlighted with London grey. Cushion is just 50:50 black and basalt grey kinda slapped on

Cheers, 80 points down and 920 to go!


Sunday 15 May 2022

Ada from the Resident Evil 2 boardgame

 Hey folks, a shorter update than the last but nevertheless:

This Ada model had been lying on my desk for ages, so I figures that the best thing to do next would be to clear up all the half finished and untouched models in my painting pile there, starting with her. I had to use a bit more varnish on her because the undercoat reacted weirdly with her model, resulting in a shiny white undercoat that the acrylic paint kept rubbing off of quite easily. I used Agrax Earthshade gloss over the whole model and some stormshield in the problematic areas where the paint kept coming off, so this model should be sorted for the tabletop now. Its a player model so it'll be one of the most-touched models for the game along the base games Leon, Claire and Kendo, so the extra Varnish will be needed no matter what!

Next I think I'll continue working on those Malifaux Witchling Stalkers that I started, although the Dark Elf Reaper Bolt Thrower, Malifaux Sammael Hopkins, Kendo, Mr. X and entire Warhammer Fortress (I primed the last four over the weekend, as well as removing all the castle mold lines, which took ages!) are all calling to me too. We shall see...

