Mere moments after posting the last update, I have assembled and painted at a god-like rate... And learned how to re-arrange images.
These guys are all Night Lords again, but two of them have pieces from the Night Lords conversion kit. I still have eight helmets and nine shoulder pads (If you include the one attached to the champions power sword) left to go.
I plan on using the Night Lords with the resin kit as chosen that specialise in close combat, to make use of their extra attack. I also want variety in their weapons... I know the champ will have a power sword, since the parts come with one anyway, but I want the rest of the squad to have a variety of armaments.
For example, have you ever noticed how no-one uses power spears? I really want to model one on, like the weapon the champion has in this pack:
They call it a "Nostraman chainglaive"(edit - Why is this highlighted? Oh dear god help me... I'm just going to leave these mistakes in so that others may learn from/laugh at them ), so I want to have at least one of those in my squad. A maul, pair of claws, fist and axe sound appealing too... but you can only have four between all your guys (Excluding the champ) and I really want all of these guys to be used together, so we're gonna have to compromise!
Between a veteran Space Marine squad I purchased years ago, and the axe guy pictured below, I already have two power axe guys. So I think I'll... axe the axe (har, har!). However, I'm not budging on the power fist or spear/chainglaive.
I could also take several of one, but sure time will tell how it turns out!
Onto the pics!
Check out my Wargaming Ireland thread if you want to see where I got the parts for all of these, by the way: