Sunday, 15 December 2013

Mere moments after posting the last update, I have assembled and painted at a god-like rate... And learned how to re-arrange images.

These guys are all Night Lords again, but two of them have pieces from the Night Lords conversion kit. I still have eight helmets and nine shoulder pads (If you include the one attached to the champions power sword) left to go.

I plan on using the Night Lords with the resin kit as chosen that specialise in close combat, to make use of their extra attack. I also want variety in their weapons... I know the champ will have a power sword, since the parts come with one anyway, but I want the rest of the squad to have a variety of armaments.

For example, have you ever noticed how no-one uses power spears? I really want to model one on, like the weapon the champion has in this pack:

They call it a "Nostraman chainglaive"(edit - Why is this highlighted? Oh dear god help me... I'm just going to leave these mistakes in so that others may learn from/laugh at them ), so I want to have at least one of those in my squad. A maul, pair of claws, fist and axe sound appealing too... but you can only have four between all your guys (Excluding the champ) and I really want all of these guys to be used together, so we're gonna have to compromise!

Between a veteran Space Marine squad I purchased years ago, and the axe guy pictured below, I already have two power axe guys. So I think I'll... axe the axe (har, har!). However, I'm not budging on the power fist or spear/chainglaive.

I could also take several of one, but sure time will tell how it turns out!

Onto the pics!

Check out my Wargaming Ireland thread if you want to see where I got the parts for all of these, by the way: 

Well folks, it's time for a new blog on the street!

This blog will be mainly about painting, and now MODELLING, since I've discovered that it's an easy way to show off ones effort, without spending hours painting.

Most of my stuff has already been posted on Wargaming Ireland, so I figured that I'd repost it all here for that great feeling of consistency... I'm usually painting Chaos Space Marine (Night Lords) related stuff, Fallout stuff and anything to do with zombies. And I adore zombies.

You've probably copped on that that's where the name came from; scary (Zombies, Night Lords, Daemons) and apocalypse (Fallout, or zombies again). Hey, it's late and I'm not great at names!

Unfortunately I am completely new to blogging, and honestly have no idea how to order the following images, so you'll have to bear with the lack of organisation until I get used to this.

You can find my old thread on Wargaming Ireland at:

The next post will display some (unpainted!) works in progress.

So without further ado, let the scarepocalypse begin!

Think of him as a Resident Evil zombie-monster. I wanted to make a top-heavy "thing" that looks freaky, which the blindfold compliments nicely.

Just some Daemons that took a few minutes to paint. This is why I love washes... and non-armoured armies. No highlights necessary!

Think of the Ork as a supermutant or something else that fits in with the theme. Or you can just treat him as the big, green, terrifying elephant in the room.

Another Daemon, which I actually like a lot. You can't see blue highlight on his blade, but it's there... Somewhere...

Just an Alpha Legionnaire and a Night Lords cultist. I like to mix things up every now and then, so you might see a few other legions make an appearance, other than the Night Lords.

Fallout dudes! A non-descript adventurer and some guy wearing power armour with a plasma rifle!

And so begins the Night Lords images... There are a lot, because I have a very big backlog. 

Bold Fallout! Get back up the page with the other image!

God-dammit Fallout.

At least the zombie image waited until the Night Lords pics were over... Fun fact, the happy chappy on the left was inspired from a Walking Dead zombie with a similar gut. If you've seen season three (I think?), you'll  know which one I'm talking about. 

Anyhoo, thus concludes the first post of these new beginnings.

Stay motivated!

Marc / a fat guy