Sunday, 26 January 2014

 Hey guys, been busy this weekend as you can see, with making the final few models left of what has been a huge backlog, which started way back in January last year.

Simply making the fifty Cultists, ten Spawn and about thirty Chaos Space Marines can be a real pain when you can't help but customize almost every...



The spawn weren't converted at all from their original pieces, but every Cultist has at least a little bit of conversion going on. Some were complete kitbashes of Grave Guard, Dark Elf and Imperial Guard bitz, which were meant to be a homage to the original Cultist models. I haven't posted any of them yet, but will do at some point in the future. Today's post is about today!

I finally finished off the last of the Night Lords with this first beauty, a Bannerman with a few touch-ups here and there:


As you can see, I didn't personalize him nearly as much as the previous Night Lords, as I felt that the banner would be sufficient.  His helmet is a Chaos Warrior's helmet with the wings from a Grave-Guard helmet attached.

I also added a crow to the banner because, well... Prince of crows reference I guess?

It looks cool!

Next up are my Noise Marines. I really didn't know how to convert these guys. The Night Lords are easy enough as long as you make them look desperate and "scavangery". 

I have no idea how to do the same to Noise Marines, so I just copied this chap!

He uses Black Templar bolters as his Sonic Blasters, which do look far better simply using regular bolters. I attempted to make mine look a lot more mutated using greenstuff (And some milliput "white" stuff, that turned out to be worse). I enjoyed making them look mutated a lot more than I should have really. After having to make my Night Lords all "clean" and un-mutated, these guys were a welcome break!

First up, the Blast Master guy. I just gave him a Possessed head that I had been saving. I figured that I would use it on either a Raptor or something else. I went with something else.

The regular Sonic Blaster guy. Not a whole lot to say here, other than that he has a Slaanesh shoulder pad from the regular Chaos Space Marine pack on his left shoulder.

The first of my mutants! Inspired by the above marine, I wanted to make it look like he had fused with his gun. I also wanted to avoid how the guy who I stole this from (Let's just call him "Greg" for the sake of not typing that out every time) didn't tackle the issue of how the demon-head-thing connected to the gun.

Anyway, Greg's models can get away with that because of the chain. His one's look clean, but characterful. On a regular Bolter, the demon-head just looks out of place. I figured that since the regular Sonic Blaster looks like it's fused to one of the wearers hands, a little green stuff fusion wouldn't look out of place.

Lastly, we have the champion with a Doom Siren and Power Sword. You can't see it too well, but his bolter has a sharp blade on the end of it. I got the idea for this pose from Jaime Lannister, who is a DERTY fighter, that stabs a guy in the head with a concealed blade. I figured that the Emperor's Children are kinda like that anyway, so wouldn't think twice about pulling out an extra blade in a supposedly honourable duel.

Hence why he's using both of the blades in his pose. Anyway, I got the head from the regular Chaos Space Marine box:

                                                       And that's all she wrote, AT LAST!

FINALLY, I can get back to painting without that nagging feeling in the back of my head that I've still got a load of models to put together. The only real construction left is changing over those grave-guard-headed models, eventually giving my old Space Marine models some chaos gear, and sorting out a bunch of old Assault Marines by turning them into either Raptors or Warp Talons.


  1. Looking forward to seeing a bit of paint on these.

  2. Cool, I might paint some of these after my 20th Night Lord, since it'd be good to break up the monotony.
