Sunday, 16 February 2014

Hey guys!

This week I've been pretty busy, but I did manage to get that Chaos Spawn out of the way, so I do have that to present for this week.

I figured that I should make it a weekly commitment to have something completed each week for this blog, so that:

  1. The blog is active.

 2. Progress is made on my considerable backlog of models.

So far it's been pretty easy to have something to update with each week, so I should be able to keep that going for some time. 

HOPEFULLY, I run out of models to paint, at some point in the future...

A new backlog list would really help actually, so I might make one later on.

Anyway, Spawn!

I opted to use a regular-sized head for this Spawn, since that would make him look more human. And therefore terrifying.

Well, he is terrifyingly ugly at least...

I wanted to make his mere existence look painful, hence the blood. It makes it look like the tentacles are ripping out of his body, a la Resident Evil-style.

The pointed appendages on his back are poised to strike, which the blood alludes to.

Overall I think this guy actually looks like a monstrosity. He clearly looks tragic, and not at all like he wants to kill a bunch of people. He'd probably feel more like knitting with those pointy things.

So that wraps up this week, next on my plate are those Noise Marines.

I tried out some Hormagaunt Purple on one of them, but it really didn't work. Liche Purple looked far better, so that's what they'll all be getting.

Until next week, cya!


  1. Very nice Marc I think haven all the things growing out of him worked out very well, & while I'm at it I just want to say I'm enjoying your blog.

    BTW Nightlords where the first chaos marines I ever painted in the way back when.

    1. Sorry that should have been all the same things growning out of him.

  2. Nice work, the small head gives the model extra grotesqueness (not sure if this is a real word).

  3. Thanks guys, it's good to break up the monotony for a change!

    Thanks for the compliments Frank and Jason, I think he looks a bit better from behind due to the front being a little too uniform. His back looks like a right mess, which is good I guess!

    I enjoy yours too Frank, since I really enjoy the more "fringe"-elements to the hobby. Stuff that has a unique look to it, like gnut, Inquisitor-style stuff, zombies, Necromunda, etc.

    And that's EXACTLY what I was aiming for Jason, cheers! As long as he looks like he belongs in a Tim Burton movie, I'm happy.
