Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Hey guys!

I had a conversation today about this blog. It occurred to me when I described the url as "enchanted blue pot", that people might actually think that the name is derived form something other than an old pot of Games Workshop paint:

Hey kids, wanna buy some sprue?

But I digress...

It's been a busy weekend, so I only managed to get two models highlighted and based. I'm about halfway through a third though. My plan is to paint a different model, or set of models, for every five of these Night Lords that I finish off.

I'm currently on my nineteenth, so once the following model is finished, I get to paint something else!

I'll either paint some more Fallout-style ghouls, or those Noise marines I made a while ago. I haven't decided yet.

I'm gonna get to those converted Night Lords at some point too, but I'm not too worried about when they get finished. I also have the contents of the Dark Vengeance set to get through, which I'll be painting as Night Lords and Fallen Dark Angels. 

The story behind my Night Lords army is that it contains elements of both a chaotic, and traditional Night Lords nature. So there are chaos-aligned Night Lords and the "purist" types, like Talos from the Night Lords trilogy, in it. 

Where my army differs from, say, a Word Bearer's chaotic elements is that none of my Night Lords are aligned with a particular god. The source of chaos stems from the Raptor cult's presence in my army. 

Some may openly worship this minor god  - Dark Vengeance dudes, Terminators with spikes/horns, the Raptors themselves, Obliterators... These are essentially the chaotic element that let me explain away why exactly there's a Daemon prince/engine/Possessed Marines in a Night Lords army.

Some may despise it - The Night Lords with Night Lords helmets or those who wear more current Space Marine armour, mixed with Chaos armour. Night Lords wearing loyalist Space Marine Terminator armour fall under this category too. It's not uncommon for these guys to wear defiled Chaos-aligned armour, much like how Talos defiled the imperial eagle from his armour. See the Lightning Claw Night Lord for an example of this.

And some may simply tolerate it - Night Lords wearing mainly Chaos armour. Nothing as extreme as a full-body bone structure growing over their armour like the Dark Vengeance Chosen, but they'll wear armour with chaos "arrows" on it to replace their own. They'll wear horns on their armour too, which is a big difference between them and the previous category.

Anyway, on to the progress pics!

The guys below I would classify as being "tolerators". The middle-ground guys, that do what they can to tear down the imperium, and don't care how:

I had a thought earlier today about how good chaos armour might look with all of the pointed chaos bits and horns cut off. I might try to convert another Night Lord squad to look like they simply have really old armour that isn't covered in chaos stuff. 

Anyway, G'LUCK!

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